Fuel Duty Increase: The Last Straw

I'm sick of paying through the nose for fuel tax and not knowing where the money goes. I'm sick of the roads in Britain - and in particular in Glasgow.

I wrote to my M.P today:

John Robertson MP
Glasgow North West

Friday 10 April 2009

Dear John Robertson,

I am writing to request that you bring up the issue of fuel duty in Parliament prior to the Budget on April 22.

I am an ordinary householder who lives in the Glasgow area, and would normally be reluctant to write such a letter as this. But I feel it's time that I passed on my thoughts on the current situation with regards to fuel duty and the state of Glasgow's roads.

I understand that there is potentially going to be a 2p petrol tax rise in the next budget, which I think is unacceptable for several reasons:
- Ordinary people already have to pay the huge 71% cost in petrol tax, and given the current economic situation it seems bizarre that when the government say they are trying to give people more money to spend in order to revive the economy, they take this money right back again through other means.
- For example, I run a little Renault Clio and only spend £50 a week on petrol. This proposed hike in fuel duty will cost me £58 a year, above the already exorbitant prices I am subjected to.
- The government seem desperate to revive the motoring industry, manufacturing and infrastructure - yet they stab these industries in the heart by demanding another increase in the already crippling cost of fuel.
- I would like to see greater visibility on what exactly this tax is spent on, and in particular, exactly where this new 2p tax rise would go.
- If fuel tax is spent on anything other than transport, roads, or the various government organisations which look after Britain's motorists, the government should have to publicly explain why.

In addition, I would like to complain about the terrible state of the roads in Glasgow. You will have seen recent news reports that research carried out on Britain's roads and its motorists concluded that people in Scotland and Northern England appear to have much worse roads than those in the rest of the UK. I accept that these studies do not always paint a truly accurate picture, yet it lines up with the view I have taken for some time now.

On two occasions in the past year, my car has been damaged by these terrible roads to the point where I have had to spend my own money on repairing bent suspension, buckled wheels and burst tyres. The roads are cracked and sagging, there are huge holes in them and there seems to be very little getting done about it.I would think that many people would really appreciate it if a Member of Parliament who represents a Scottish constituency would stand up and speak out on this issue, in order to let the government know that it is not acceptable that people are left to pay the price of damage to their cars due to the mismanagement and irresponsibility of those in power.

We are spending hundreds of millions of pounds on the M74 extension, yet Glasgow's roads are in a worse state than they have ever been. I would like to know: why is this?

I understand that this letter may come across as more of a rant than a constructive request for representation, but I think that it illustrates the view of an ordinary person who feels that they are being short changed by the government, and that nobody appears to be standing up and publicly asking for change in behalf of those they represent.

I would like to receive a reply to this letter, outlining your thoughts on it and anything you plan to do in response to the points I have made. Thank you for your efforts in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Philip Reid

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